Our Star Buys this month are all about keeping the birds well fed, but now is the time to begin thinking about preparing to keep yourself fed through Summer. Although the ground will be too hard to do much with, it is still the best time to get planting in your greenhouse.
Plant cold starters such as peas, beans and sweet peas in an unheated greenhouse. Peas especially only provide 2 crops a year, so you’ll want to get these planted in the next few weeks. Lettuce and leafy salads can also be planted indoors for early season crops – some gardeners even have them growing all through the winter.
If vegetables don’t take your fancy and you are more of a flower person then begin curating your Spring pots with colour that will take you into Summer. Create layers of different varieties and remember that the deeper you plant, the higher your bulb will eventually grow. If you’ve got some bulbs starting to sprout whilst stored in empty pots over Winter, you’ve still got time to get them in some nutritious soil.
All of our centres have a variety of contemporary Stewart’s limestone pots to suit your displays, including square at £15.99, troughs at £15.99 and tall (even more height for those deep bulbs!) at £22.99. Pick up already potted bulbs in our outdoor plant areas: 9cm pots, 5 for £10
1litre pots, 3 for £10